About the Institute
The Frost & Sullivan Institute (FSI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to utilizing business practices to address global priorities.. The genesis of the institute goes back to the vision of our Executive Director, David Frigstad; which was to either create, or become part of, a solution that addresses threats to humanity.
FSI has identified strategic imperatives for transformation and believes that by using a Socratic approach, we can truly accelerate innovation to zero (Zero illiteracy, zero disparity, zero disease, zero poverty, zero degradation and zero hunger) The Institute works in collaboration with leading analyst teams, its internal research team, industry experts, and other partners. It works closely with Frost & Sullivan Inc. to leverage in-house thought leadership in order to identify opportunities for transformation that will arise from innovation, disruptive technologies and overarching mega trends that will alter the world as we know it today.
FSI will create a community of visionaries and change agents who are driven by passion, intent and the desire to make a dent in the universe by addressing the gaps that exist in education, healthcare, infrastructure, human rights, environment sustainability, security and economic equality.